I want to be baptized


Today’s Date:___/___/______

Candidate for Baptism: _____________________________

Address: __________________________________________

City: ____________________________, Ohio ZIP: 43______ 

Phone: (_____)__________________ DOB: ___/___/______

I’m a guest of: ______________________________________

 "- - - - "Cut here and submit top section to office. "- - - - "

What You Need to Know About Being Baptized at The Truth Church

3rd Sunday
Please attend the baptism class held at 9:30 AM on the third Sunday of each month. When you show up our ushers will take you to your baptism class. 


4th Sunday
Please report to your Sunday school class at 9:30 AM. The baptism team will come escort you to the baptismal change room at the appropriate time. We usually baptize at the beginning of the 10:45 AM Sunday morning worship on 4th Sundays. Sometimes we schedule special baptism services outside 4thSunday mornings. 


What should I bring? 
Bring a white towel, white socks, white T-shirt, undershirt, dark pants that are not see-through when wet, and a plastic trash bag. Also bring dry underclothes, hairbrush, comb or other necessary toiletries. 


May I invite my family and friends? 
Yes! Invite all of your family and friends. It’s a special occasion to let the world know you’ve chosen to follow Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and are on your way to heaven! Expect people to clap and sing as you come up out of the water.   Bring your camera!